A full-time team dedicated 100% to giving in-company English classes.
Our professional team will manage everything to ensure that our in-company English classes run really smoothly.
Native English teachers.
Personalised timetables and level tests.
Attendance sheets and itemised bills available for all our clients.
We can also count on the professional support of experts in managing FUNDAE subsidies.
As a result, we can save our clients lots of valuable time!
Thanks to the full-time team at Learn Hot English consisting of our Director of Studies, Teaching Director and Managing Director, our clients can rest easy. Also, for our larger clients, we assign a specific project manager to ensure we cover every possible need and we ensure that all the classes run perfectly smoothly.
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Paseo de Extremadura, 21
Planta 1, oficina 1ª
28011, Madrid, España
Tel: (0034) 91 455 0273
Carrer Roser, 65 , 1-1, 08004 Barcelona
Tel: 678749153
E-mail: classes@learnhotenglish.com
Skype: teacher.coordinator